NORTH-REG is led by a Steering Committee consisting of two delegates from each of the Nordic countries – Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland (one delegate). The chairman is elected from this group. Other members of the Scientific Committee are appointed ad hoc based on relevance for ongoing and prospective studies from relevant clinical and paraclinical specialties.
Coordination of studies, approval processes, and running costs are structured through a Scientific Study Office with reference to the chairman of the Steering Committee on a daily basis and through this with reference to the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Study Office consists of central study coordinators and scientific research associates.
Chairman / Professor Jørgen Bjerggaard Jensen
Dept. of Urology, Aarhus University Hospital
Consultant Erik Haug
Dept. of Urology, Tønsberg
Consultant Gigja Gudbrandsdottir
Dept. of Urology, Helse Bergen
Professor Peter Boström
Dept. of Urology, Turku University Hospital
Consultant Riika Järvinan
Dept. of Urology, Helsinki University Hospital
Consultant Sigurdur Gudjonsson
Dept. of Urology, Lanspitalin University Hospital, Reykjavik